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    August 18, 2025
    Select Cabin
    • Double Cabin$ 4480
      2 people
      Double Bed
      Aircon with control in room
      Ensuite Bathroom
    • Twin Cabin$ 4480
      2 people
      Twin (2 Single)
      Aircon with control in room
      Ensuite Bathroom
    • Luxury Master Cabin$ 5355
      2 people
      Double Bed
      Aircon with control in room
      Ensuite Bathroom

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    Last Updated on December 14, 2023 by kuncumi

    Samambaia 8D7N

    • 8 Days 7 Nights
    • Check-in: Early Morning (L. Bajo)
    • Check-out: 12.00 pm (Bima)

    As the sun sets on your 8-day expedition through the aquatic wonders of Komodo National Park, a kaleidoscope of memories and underwater marvels lingers in your mind. From the vibrant coral reefs of ‘Tatawa Besar’ to the heart-pounding currents at ‘Castle Rock,’ every dive has been a brushstroke on the canvas of a diver’s dream.

    The journey began with the legendary Komodo dragons, the prehistoric guardians of Rinca, setting the tone for an adventure of both terrestrial and aquatic marvels. Nusa Kode unfolded its mysteries, revealing critters like Ambon Scorpionfish and the elusive Rhinopias against a backdrop of lush coral gardens. The Horseshoe Bay, with its signature dive sites, treated divers to a spectacle of marine life, from the enigmatic ‘Cannibal Rock’ to the haunting beauty of ‘Torpedo Alley’ under the moonlit waves.

    Venturing to the north, the dive sites ‘Crystal Rock’ and ‘Castle Rock’ stood as sentinels of the underwater realm, offering encounters with sharks, jacks, and the mesmerizing Fish Soup – a testament to the biodiversity thriving in Komodo’s currents. As the journey approached its climax at ‘The Golden Passage,’ ‘The Cauldron,’ and ‘Lighthouse,’ adrenaline-fueled dives marked the pinnacle of the Komodo National Park experience.

    With the iconic dive sites explored, the voyage concludes in Bima, leaving divers with memories of breathtaking underwater landscapes, rare marine encounters, and the enchanting dance of Komodo dragons. The echoes of the reefs, the currents, and the dragon-inhabited shores linger, inviting divers to carry a piece of Komodo’s magic with them as they resurface from this extraordinary underwater odyssey.

    More about Samambaia Liveaboard

    Dives: Approximately 18 dives in total

    Experience: Open Water – 30 minimum logged dives required.

    Critter Life: Rhinopias, Ghost pipefish, Pipefish, pipe horses, Seahorses, Pygmy Seahorses, all sorts of Crustaceans, many different species of Cephalopods, Frogfish, Nudibranchs, Pegasus, Ambon Scorpionfish

    Big Stuff: Sharks, Tunas, Jacks, Manta Rays, Eagle Rays, Napoleon Wrasses, and surprises

    The exact route and sites visited are subject to change based on local regulations, guest experience, weather, and logistics and are at the Captain’s discretion.

    Day 1 & 2Embarkation – Komodo Central & Rinca

    Arrival with plane to Labuan Bajo. You will be picked up by crew members at the airport. Embarkation in the port of Labuan Bajo. A general orientation follows. After an initial general dive briefing, we will do our check dive with you at an easy and protected dive site. Check dive in the sense of you checking your gear and weights, making sure the camera housings are properly sealed and our guides checking your buoyancy. No skill demonstrations are required.

    Dive site: ‘Sebayor Kecil’. Over the day we are heading south through the National Park and looking into doing an easy drift dive over an impeccable reef, like ‘Tatawa Besar’. To cap this first day of diving we offer a night dive at Wai Nilu, which ranks within the Top 5 favorite night dive spots all over Indonesia of our Cruise Director.

    Day 3Rinca Trekking, then heading for Nusa Kode

    Trekking with Komodo dragons in the morning before it gets too hot in the sun. Expect to be eye-in-eye with the last dragons on this planet. A must when coming here.
    Local rangers take care of our safety. After this adventure, we will be heading to the south of Rinca, also known as Nusa Kode or Horseshoe Bay. Some of the lushest diving Komodo National Park has to offer. During the months of May until October however, the waters are quite cold (down to 23°C) and the visibility is rather poor. You will be, however, rewarded with critters galore: Ambon Scorpionfish, Rhinopias, Frogfish, Wonderpus, and Coconut Octopus paired with an overwhelming growth of soft and hard coral on the reefs.
    A very common sight at the beach is Komodo Dragons, Deer, and Wild Boar, and up in the trees, you might spot a sea eagle.

    Day 4Nusa Kode

    We offer three more day dives in the Horseshoe Bay. Some of our favorite dive sites here include: ‘Cannibal Rock’, ‘The Yellow Wall of Texas’, ‘Devil’s Corner’ and ‘Torpedo Alley’.
    In the afternoon we will leave this truly spectacular place and head back up north. For a night dive, we will pull into the island of Pantar. Starry Night Octopus, Frogfish, rare Nudibranchs – this dive site never disappoints.

    Day 5Komodo Central

    Working our way back up north, we’ve got a few secret spots to offer or we may go instead for some of the popular highlights if the conditions allow us to do so.
    Potential dive sites for the day: ‘Batu Bolong’, ‘And Manta Point’.

    Day 6 & 7Komodo – The North

    We arrive in the morning in the northern part of the famous Komodo National Park. And straight away hit the signature dive sites ‘Crystal Rock’ and ‘Castle Rock’. Sharks, Jacks, Fish Soup. Action fuelled by current. In the afternoon and at night two more world-class dives at famous sites like ‘The Golden Passage’, ‘The Cauldron’ or ‘Lighthouse’. Komodo National Park is diving at its best.

    Day 8Disembarkation in Bima

    Depending on your flight schedule, our crew will check your luggage in for you in advance so you can rest on board and let us shuttle you to the airport when your plane is ready to leave

    Included: VAT, Airport Transfer, Hotel Transfer, Drinking Water, Soft drinks, Tea & Coffee, Welcome Cocktails, Full-Board Meal Plan (All meals), Snacks, Diving Package, Nitrox Course, Scuba Diving Courses, Kayaks, Land Excursions, Snorkeling Guide, Wakeboarding, Beach Towels, Cabin Towels, Complimentary Toiletries, Deck Towels, WiFi internet.

    Required Extras: Fuel Surcharge (150-250 USD per trip), National Park Fees (100-150 USD per trip), Port Fees (75 USD per trip).

    Optional Extras: Gratuities (20 USD per day), Local Flights, Alcoholic Beverages, Private Dive Guide, Rental Gear, Snorkel Gear, Laundry / Pressing Services, Massage (500,000 IDR).

    Other Samambaia Packages

    Samambaia 8D7N

    8 Days 7 Nights

    Date Trip: Aug 18, 2025
    L. Bajo – Bima
    18 Dives
    Certificate: Open Water
    30 minimum logged dives required


    Samambaia 12D11N

    12 Days 11 Nights

    Ambon – Maumere
    32 dives
    Certificate: Open Water
    30 minimum logged dives required


    Samambaia 12D11N

    12 Days 11 Nights

    Sorong – Kaimana / Kaimana – Sorong
    30 / 29 Dives
    Certificate: Open Water
    30 minimum logged dives required


    Samambaia 12D11N

    12 Days 11 Nights

    Date Trip: Sep 23, 2024
    Ambon – Ambon
    34 Dives
    Certificate: Open Water
    50 minimum logged dives required

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